We began emailing each other - all five of us at the same time. I wish I could remember who it was that suggested that we meet. Guess it doesn't matter. But we all were excited. After more emails, the date and place were finalized.
Nantucket, September 2010
I secured my plane ticket in May. There was no backing out. It was happening. The moment I saw and hugged Gabi at Logan Airport in Boston, I knew it was going to be great. And almost two hours later, we met up with Jessica and Katherine. (Sweet Mama Henley was not able to join us. Oh how we cried when we read her post.) The four of us squealed, screamed, and hugged each other not as if we were meeting for the first time, but as dear, old friends. And then the talking and laughing commenced... and didn't stop until we left on Sunday.
Gabi mixing bloodies on the ferry to Nantucket.
Of course we had to compare the new edition
with the tried and true...
(Yes, I brought BOTH editions!)
Jessica showing Flat Stanley
(from Jackson's class project) how to cook.
Yes, she was our chef extraordinaire for the weekend!
At the brewery...
This evening really warrants a post all its own, but I just can't resist. Of course we walked in as if we owned the place. The place was packed, full of earthy preppies (mostly women) all in name tags. Hmmm... Lots of Patagonia and madras. And, hey, look over there. Hmmm... quite a few golf bags. Oh, this must be an after party for a golf tournament. Hmmm... the girl Gabi asks to take our picture, thinks she is the photographer for this soiree. Numerous other things made us go Hmmm... But hey, "it takes all kinds" as my mother says, and we are having a ball! Good drinks, good friends, good fun... and then the icing on the cake: Ms. Madras shorts jumps up on a table, raises her glass, and announces to the gathering, "Let's give a toast to Melissa and Jennifer and to the life they will lead together." You guessed it, we crashed a lesbian wedding. Big fun!
Many other stories happened on our Nantucket weekend. We giggled throughout, saying, "What happens in Nantucket stays in Nantucket!" But between the four of us, I know we'll share more with you throughout the next few weeks. I laughed so hard my face hurt at times. I shared so deeply, more than I might share with people here in my own town whom I feel pretty close to. I learned so much about each of these women: their successes, their worries, their delights and their passions.
Here we were on the ferry leaving Nantucket.
Jessica and Bevy
Gabi and Katherine
And here the four of us were right before we all said Goodbye.