Saturday, October 23, 2010

Did June Ever Have One of These Days?

I don't feel very loving right now.  I want to rip my pearls off and pull my hair out. My head hurts and it has for about an hour now.  I don't know whether I am cut out for being the mom of two "tweenage" boys.  Right now it stinks and I just want to run away.  Hey Wally and Beav, how about my feelings? 

Maybe this will help...
Just kidding... (maybe)


  1. Bevy,
    I cannot imagine raising two boys! Bless your heart...I hope your heada he goes away!!! Lord you know June had trying days. Hillbilly Debutante commented something on my blog the other day that I just loved. She said in so many words that she wanted to create a serene and comforting atmosphere for her family, always looking her best! She wanted her husband and children to always remember a pleasant vision of her! Tough to do, but how inspiring!

  2. I love you! They don't know you are human yet. You are about to get really dumb for a few years but take heart, in the next phase you get to be the smartest person they know again.

  3. Tweens are tough. I'm sure they're loving one minute, and difficult the next. You have my prayers!

  4. I know how you feel, but it isn't my children today. Let's just say the stress of the holiday season has already started. Heading to a wedding- even if June won't, I will!!!

  5. Oh, Bevy! Two boys! The tales I could tell! When all else fails, here's a science experiment for you to try: Separate boys from each other and from you. Then pour two liquids in a glass and watch them disappear.

    Seriously, God's wisdom and grace will get you through, and your boys will be fine young men before you know it!

  6. I love you blog and thank you for the sweet comments! :) I will comment more later, right now I am chasing a naked baby around the house trying to get him to take a bath! ;)

  7. OKay I need to know more! Maybe this is an ask the Mrs question!!!

  8. Bevy, I so wish we lived closer... I had a horrid week as well... Tomorrow's always better! Chin up and cheers!

  9. Did it help? A gin and tonic helped me A LOT yesterday afternoon.

  10. I told The Dog today (he is 12) that he was like living with Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde. He is hugging me one minute and having the worst fit about going to church the next. It's ugly and I fear we aren't done for a while!

  11. ((HUGS)) to you, my friend! Hope the past few days have been much better and you had a relaxing weekend! :-) XOXO

  12. Ohh sweet friend! I'm starting to think that raising tweens is harder than taking care of infant twins. And it's certainly MUCH more difficult than handling an entire classroom of high school students.

    Hugs to you! Your boys are sweet and you're an amazing mom.


  13. Hang in there. This too shall pass, it always does. Soon enough you'll find yourself like me wishing those college boys were tweens again. :) It's a new week too. That's got to bring new energy. Love and understanding to you. :) xoxo


Thanks for your sweet comments... They make my day just that more Golden!