To those of you whom I am a faithful reader, I apologize for not being very faithful these past few days. I blame it all on a lone piece of pink sidewalk chalk innocently lying on the playground at school.
Tuesday afternoon was lovely and we were coming in from recess. I didn't see that lone pink piece of sidewalk chalk, but I felt my Dansko clad left foot twist beneath me as I tripped on it. Not a bad twist at all - and I was so glad I didn't fall in front of my fourth grade class. That would not have been cool at all! Drat, that little piece of pink sidewalk chalk.
Ouch, my foot was a little sore the rest of the day. And the top of my foot was a little tender, but I thought nothing of it. I took a Tylenol PM, made myself my little Crystal Lite Cosmo and was out like a light. Stupid little piece of pink sidewalk chalk.
By Wednesday, I am in a little more pain. The top of my foot and toes are a little swollen. Hmmm... not good. But I teach, for goodness sake! How on earth am I to stay off of my feet? I am limping a bit. I have sharp pains shooting through the top of my foot and radiating into my ankle and toes. Even more "not good". I take more anti-inflammatory pills. Oh cr*%, Jackson has baseball practice, Sumter has baseball pictures AND a game, and I am in charge of Sumter's team snack. No time for pain. I'll put on my Sperry "mules" and deal with it. After the game (and over 24 hours later) I feel hot pokers shooting through my foot. I take more drugs and elevate on a pillow in bed. I hate that little piece of pink sidewalk chalk.
This morning it really hurts. I am close to tears. But I can walk on it... it's not purple, black or blue. It can't be a torn ligament or broken bone (can it???). I go to school, wincing in pain, and prop my foot on a chair. Later, I run into the school nurse. She convinces me to let her wrap it as the hot poker burning sensation continues to shoot up and down my foot. She is not pleased that I have not gone to the doctor. Seems you can tear and break bones without intense bruising - or being unable to walk. Lovely. Or should I say, Damn that little piece of pink sidewalk chalk.
Oh, the story gets better... went to the Doc-in-the-Box at 6:00 after getting my hair "cullahed". (I do have my priorities in order!) to get an x-ray. Guess who's insurance carrier has not mailed her a new card?!?!?! Guess who had to leave without an x-ray? (Have an appointment Friday at 2:00.) Guess who has to deal with the insurance company to find my new number, etc.? Guess who has self-medicated herself AGAIN tonight?
If I EVER see another piece of pink sidewalk chalk...