Thursday, November 26, 2009

One Thanksgiving Table

This year my husband and I are celebrating and giving thanks a little different.  Our boys are spending the holiday with my parents at their beach house this Thanksgiving.  As my husband is (permanently) in a wheelchair, and my parents don't have an elevator, we chose to let the boys go by themselves.  So what did we do?  Don't worry, we are OK!

For the past five years, our town has had an event called One Table.  Our church helps volunteer (I am making Pioneer Woman's macaroni and cheese!) with food and set up.  People of all socio-econonic means attend, both to volunteer and eat.  These are pictures from last year.

I'm putting macaroni and cheese in the oven right now, and giving thanks for my new kitchen and my wonderful oven.  How blessed am I?!?!

I thank God for a home that is large and open so that my husband (a true inspiration and blessing) can maneuver around.  I also thank God that it doesn't just "look like a 'wheelchair accessible' home", but is perfect for us all.  I thank Him for the means that we could build this home.  I thank Him for our family, friends, and faith that help us get through our lives, daily.  I thank my Heavenly Father for all my blessings, those I know and those I am not even aware of.  How great is our God... Let us thank Him.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful community volunteering event! You such a bright and positive outlook on all of your blessings!

    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving,


Thanks for your sweet comments... They make my day just that more Golden!